Mar 2 20How did the French end up with their crazy numbers? Jun 1 20There are some weird things about the French that the rest of the world will find a bit hard to understand. In english 1-have individual names and after that we have the -teens (and 1 and 1 etc.) similar break point happens at the 17th number in the French number system. E nglish started out as, essentially, a kind of German. Old English is so unlike the modern version that it feels like a stretch to think of them as the same language at all.
However, even if you set aside such prejudices, it will. 4xand on exactly the same principle as the French.
The French have no word for 7 they call is and - on, is and till 79. Let s celebrate a few of French grammar moments that really made us mort de rire. It s because there s a legal quot that requires of radio music to be French music. Apr 2 20Why are French people so weird?
French is spoken by an estimated 2million people in the worl but that doesn t mean. Nov 2 Things That Are Normal In France But Seem Super Weird To Everyone Else. With them, they brought Continental French and smatterings of French dialects from the north and the west.
Why is our language so eccentric?
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Jun 2 20The Francos in Canada arrived between the th century and the 18th century, explains Douglas Walker, linguist and professor at the University of Calgary. It is true that there are also a lot of prejudices against the French that have resulted into some made up observations about them. While the vocabulary of love is known for being charming and sophisticate French language is also pretty ridiculous sometimes. Well, I m Colombian (maybe it has to do with it) my dad is French, most of his family is French and Portuguese (my).
I am not sure it s weir but it is certainly different from English. Just what is this thing were speaking, and what happened to make it this way? The major problem which occurs is at 70s.
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